Following announcements of the Craftsperson of the Year and Supervisor of the Year, I’m pleased to share that Brock’s incredible team at the ExxonMobil Beaumont site has earned the Site of the Year award.
Credit for this honor goes to the entire group of Brock employees, who bring a focus on excellence to every aspect of the work. The team is safe, producing stellar results including a recordable-free year and embodying the culture of respect and caring that is the foundation of Bsafe at Brock. In addition, our Bbest culture of continuous improvement has also been embraced there, and they regularly demonstrate what it means to be “Better Every Day”.
The result of Bsafe and Bbest is consistent delivery and customer satisfaction – also a characteristic of this site.
ExxonMobil Beaumont is the first Site of the Year award recipient. We have many excellent sites that demonstrate our core principles and culture, yet the team at this facility stands out as the best of the best.
Congratulations to everyone involved in making ExxonMobil Beaumont successful!